A so so far away place: Thailand


Hi everyone, this is my english blog. Today I am going to write about Thailand!


I would like to visit Thailand because it is such a distant and different place 

and also is very cheap to travel.

Its population is 65 million and the capital, Bangkok, is the most populated city in the country.

A 94% of the population is Buddhist.


This image of Buddhist monks in their orange robes is iconic, here they are in a temple in Bangkok. 

Something shocking about Thailand is that they have a very oppressive political system.

Until 1932 they had an absolute monarchy and since then, they have a constitutional monarchy.

The king is considered like a god and and the political class are very corrupt.


Well, in spite of that, I would like to know Bangkok, because it's so big and must be a crazy place.


There are a lot to visit there! And just with this view I am happy :D



Also, I would like to visit at least one of the 4000 Buddhist temples in the country.


My favourite is the “Wat Tham Seua” or “Tiger Cave temple”, 

is on the top of a mountain and to get there you have to climb by stairs of 1234 steps!  




I would like to go with my partner to live for a few months. We work online as digital nomads, 

so we can easily move from place to place while we work.  

Thanks for passing by my blog.

Have a nice day!




  1. your publication very interesting! a very diverse country in its culture and very beautiful architecture

  2. Vey interesting place, I would like to travel there also


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